Friday, September 28, 2007

Jaydin's surgery is over!!

Well, Jaydin went in yesterday for what we hope was his final surgery. It amazes me how much that little guy has had to go thru before he has even turned 3. His ears started rejecting his tubes and after SIX ear infections in 3 months, his ENT decided to finally remove his ear tubes. We are hopeful that he will go 12 weeks without an ear infection cuz if he does...he wont need a third set of tubes:)

We arrived for surgery at 8:00 just to find out that his surgery had been bumped up from 9:20 to 8:00 without a phone call to inform us of the change!! We didnt recieve a warm welcome because, according to the receptionist, we were an hour and a half late to check in!!! We waited in the waiting area for about 15 minutes before Dr. McLeod came to talk to us and weigh Jaydin (he now weighs 29.8 pounds fully clothed) and then the nurses took us back to get Jaydin ready for surgery. The anesthesiologist came in to talk to us and to meet Jaydin and he was very nice and I felt VERY comfortable letting him take care of my child. They took jaydins vitals (BTW his O2 saturation was 100%...something we had NEVER seen and were very happy to see!!) and Jaydin was a pro and knew exactly what to do each step of the way. The nurse then walked away for a few minutes and came back to get Jaydin and he reached his arm up and went with her. I tried to say "good-bye" to him but he was too busy with his new friend to care about his mommy & daddy!. We went to the waiting room for what we thought would be a long wait, but less than 10 minutes later Dr. McLeod came out to tell us that he was done! About 5 minutes after that the nurse came to tell us he was awake and I could hear him crying from the waiting room so I took off practically running to get to him. He was uncontrolably crying for about 10 minutes and then he calmed down and was his normal charming self!! We were out of there by 9:05...15 minutes BEFORE the time that I planned on him going in to surgery!! Before we left the 3 nurses shook Jaydin's hand and he told them "meet you", which means "nice to meet you" and they gave him a teddy bear and said he was the best patient his age that they had ever had:)

We went home and I spent the rest of the day just loving on him and spending some one-on-one time with him while Kenna was with Grandma Betty (her daycare provider) I feel sooooo blessed to have such a wonderful son and certianly think he is just about the coolest little almost-three-year-old that I know!!!

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