Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Jaydin & Kenna's trip to Chuck-E-Cheese on 11/09

We went to Chuck-E-Cheese on Friday night as a reward for Jaydin's good behavior and the kids had a blast. I wish that I could have gotten more pictures of Jaydin but he was busy running from game-to-game so I didnt get a chance:( But I did get quite a few of Kenna enjoying some rides for the first time!! It was fun because at Six Flags the only thing she is allowed to ride is the Merry-Go-Round so instead of having to sit aside and watch us have all the fun...she was the one playing this time!! It is nice because Jaydin still doesnt have the concept of whether or not he's REALLY playing a game so it is really cheap for us to go!!

By the way...Kenna was at the doctors yesterday and she is now up to 15 lbs 1 oz!! Just to show you how little that actually is...the other baby at her daycare just turned 4 months last week and she is already 15 pounds!!